Jumat, 01 Januari 2016


Goodbye Past.
Thank you for everything on 2015.
Obstacles and barriers is Valueable leason.
Up and downs.
Crying and screaming.
Tremendous Pressure.
Bad love story.
Broken heart.
and many more.

Happily 2015.
I see concert my favorite singer Afgan on Jakarta.
I am go to new place for travel.
I am 21 yo and i got surprise.
I will boyfriend (although ended) but I got a tremendous affection from the people around me.
I see perform of Raisa (my favorite female singer).
Thank you for make me smile on 2015.

Hello Future 2016.
Be nice please.
Make me more stronger to face this happen.
I try to be better than the last. (year by year, day by day.
I did not ask to disappear later would I encounter obstacles.
But I ask strengthened me, keep me from turning back and tired.
Less Complain.
Most grateful.
Hopely can traveling on many place again.
Less Crying.
More more more and more Smiling.

Always Happy.

What my Revolution on 2016 ?
hmm.. Just become a better person.

Thank you PAST many lessons have you give.
Hello FUTURE Let's Start!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 !!!!

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